Other Resources Available by Ken Trivette

Now Available

A Few Thoughts from Titus

Studies and sermons through the Book of Titus

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Ken Trivette
PO Box 20
Batesland, SD 57716

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The Sacred Hills

Having served among the Lakota people for over ten years, Ken Trivette draws from the history and customs of the Lakota people to share lessons and sermonic studies from the Bible. Chapters include The Sacred Hills, The Broken Treaty, The Star Quilt, The Keeper of the Winter Count, Shirt-Wearers, Tatanka, The Vision Quest, The Sash Bearer, The White Buffalo Woman, The Sacred Clown, and The Throwing of the Ball.

$9.99 Paperback

$5.99 Kindle

(All proceeds go to the ministry and mission work of the Pine Ridge Baptist Church)

Available on Amazon